Friday, September 4, 2015

3 juice recipes that detox your liver and flush fat

3 Simple Liver-Detoxing Drinks That Flush Toxins From Your Liver and Eliminate Belly Fat

3 juice recipes that detox your liver and flush fat

The Colorful Detox Drink

The Colorful Detox Drink


    1 Bell Pepper
    3 Carrots
    1 Medium Cucumber
    Half a Lemon
    1 Apple

Simply juice all of the ingredients and drink fast, before the antioxidants get destroyed! This detox drink contains large amounts of vitamin c, vitamin a, a nice amount of minerals, vital for a healthy skin & powerful fat and toxin-flushing antioxidants, contained in the apple and lemon. It does taste a bit strange, but is definitely not unpleasant. Drinking a glass or two a day is extremely effective for cleansing your liver, improving your skin complexion and generally improving your health & energy levels.

The Green Tea Citrus Drink

The Green Tea Citrus Drink

Another juice that has amazing detox power!


    Half a cup of green tea, cooled down
    The Juice of Half a Lemon
    1 Banana Blended In

This is a bit more difficult to prepare, as it requires juicing, blending AND tea brewing! But it’s worth it – the EGCG in green tea acts together with the lemon juice to rapidly detoxify your body. EGCG is absorbed much, much better in an acidic environment and when combined with minerals (the potassium from the banana). Another huge benefits is that the juice tastes very nice – you can almost get addicted to it.

The Golden Liver-Flushing Drink

The Golden Liver-Flushing Drink


    Half a teaspoon of turmeric
    A bit of ginger
    The Juice of half a lemon
    Half a cup of water

This juice not only flushes toxins from your liver, but it also prevents gallstones and cleans your bowels. It also settles down your stomach after a big meal. Turmeric is a very effective liver-detoxifying agent and is used as a hangover remedy in some countries. Again, combining it with lemon juice makes it even more effective. Unfortunately, this drink doesn’t taste that well. You can definitely improve it’s taste by adding a banana, but don’t add too much, as the sugar from the banana will slow down the cleansing action of the turmeric.

(Source: healthshortcut)

See Also:

10 Simple Tips To Reduce Belly Fat

26 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

20 metabolism boosting foods

The Best 3 Healthy Weight Loss Drink

Weight Loss with Green Smoothies

colon cleansing

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

10 Benefits Of Lemon Detox Water

There were so many reasons to drink lemon water, and most of what I’ve found says for best benefits, you need to drink it warm, which I do. I find it soothing and relaxing. It’s totally easy to work this into my morning routine. I make my butter coffee (story for another day) and drink my lemon water while I’m doing it. Lemon water is best when you drink it warm, first thing in the morning.

Top 10 Benefits Of Lemon Detox Water

10 Benefits Of Lemon Detox Water

1- Combats Stress – Vitamin C helps the body clear out stress hormones. Well alright!

2- Immune Boost – Lemons are rich in vitamin in vitamin C and potassium, which keep the body running on all cylinders and help the immune system and heart.

3- Weight Loss – Lemons contain pectin. This is a fiber that helps reduce cravings. It is a zero calorie drink that you can use to replace high calorie soft drinks and juices. It’s easier for me to say no to that second soda of the day because I just drink a lemon water. (Read: 5 Simple Steps to Lose 20 Pounds)

4- Clear Skin – Vitamin C is a key factor for clean healthy skin. It flushes toxins out of the blood so they do not accumulate in pores and hydrates skin cells. Antioxidants in lemons, including vitamin C, protect against free radical and solar damage too. Score!

5- Diuretic – Lemon water is a mild diuretic that can help cleanse your urinary tract and kidneys. This can improve blood pressure as well.

6- Improves Digestive Health – The citric acid in lemons helps to simulate stomach juices and ease digestion, flushing out built-up toxins along the way.

7- Freshens Breath – Guess what, the essential oils in lemons help clean and freshen your mouth! I am told it’s best to brush your teeth before you drink lemon water and avoid brushing for a while after to protect your teeth enamel, since acid can weaken it.

8- Balances PH – The alkaline in lemons help balance the PH levels in the body.

9- Promotes Healing – Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties which are essential for good health and recovery from stress or injury.

10- Respiratory Health – It’s really soothing when you have coughs, colds or flu’s.

For more detox ideas, check out How to detox in 3 days.